I’m Counting Sheep Marketing

Bringing Your Ideas to Life

At I’m Counting Sheep Marketing, we specialize in transforming your visionary concepts into tangible, impactful realities. With our seasoned team’s expertise and strategic approach, we breathe life into your brand, campaigns, and projects. From strategic marketing plans to captivating graphic design, we are your dedicated partners in turning ideas into successful ventures. Let us empower your brand to thrive in today’s dynamic marketplace.

Brand Development & Management

Crafting and nurturing brands that resonate with audiences, fostering loyalty and driving sustained growth.

Analysis Benchmarking

Establishing benchmarks to optimize operations and ensure competitive advantage in your industry.

Project Management

Streamlining processes, maximizing efficiency, and delivering projects on time and within budget.

Campaign Creation & Graphic Design

Engaging visual storytelling that captivates audiences, strengthens brand identity, and drives meaningful interactions.

Trade Marketing

Targeted initiatives to promote products/services effectively within specific industry segments, driving sales and partnerships.

Strategic Marketing Plans

Tailored strategies to elevate your brand, enhance market presence, and achieve long-term business objectives effectively.

I’m Counting Sheep Marketing

New Media, Social Media, Google & Telecommunications

We specialise in creating, planning and actively connecting your brand through to your Target audience. We help you to find new customers and tel your story. Targeting and demographic, geographic campaigns are what we do.

We build low cost websites and unlike others don’t charge exorbitant fees. We will get your URL, build a multi-page site and give you the most affordable low cost rates for hosting. It’s a complete “One stop Service” and if you want a website with E commerce, Shopping cart and direct payment that can be built. We can design phone systems cost effectively with National brand equipment to suit small business or multi-site and call centres. Low cost fees and calls and the most competitive Mobile plans and Internet plans.

Google and SEO – We will position your Brand so its easy to find, topical and target placement against competitors through paid targeting. We can make you the 1st choice to consumers. Google these days is a mandatory marketing tool as Australia says “I’ll google it” when searching for a solution.

• Social media (Facebook, Instagram, TikToc) management
• Google marketing
• Website design
• Online retail and E Commerce
• Web hosting and URL procurement